About Our Salon
About Patricia Harrington Beauty Salon Boyle
Patricia Harrington M.A.B Th, M.F.Phys., Electrologist, is a fully qualified Beauty Therapist (Beautician) and Electrologist qualifying from the Brownyn Conroy School of Beauty Therapy in 1975.
She is a registered member of ITEC and BThA. Having gained experience in Dublin and Cork, she established her own business in 1978 in Sligo and was the first Beauty Therapist in the West of Ireland.
She subsequently moved to Boyle in 1981 having married and established a salon in her private house. After a period in England, she returned to Boyle and set up her present business in 1992.
Patricia can be contacted by:
Telephone: 071 966 2866
Opening Hours: ......Thurs to Sat 9.30 - 6.00. Other times by appointment.
Confidentiality assured at all times.